Keeping water clean and healthy in an aquaculture plant requires meticulous disinfection, filtration of the water, flushing, and de-gassing circulation. The most reliable, efficient pumping system is crucial to this method.
Fisheries are busy places with little time for stopping a pump to disassemble it for refining. Pumps for fish farms need to have a long cycle.
Fish Farm Pump Systems
Fish farms are becoming increasingly popular as the world’s fish demands increase, and also because oceans have been overfished. The large farms rely upon bom cong nghiep to transport ocean water, and to recirculate the water in order to stop stagnation, as well as transfer the waste.
Aquaculture is one of the major expenses for farms. Pumping is a major amount of energy use. The operators can cut down on the cost of energy consumption by choosing the correct size pump.
In order to determine the necessary pump capacity, divide fish tank size by desired turnover rate (turnover every hour) to find the rate of flow required. Choose a pump that can match that capacity. Fishing facilities are often busy, so there’s no time for lengthy calls to service when pumps fail to work – and especially in the case of live fish.
Aquaculture Pump Efficiency
Pumps are vital for aquaculture in order to provide oxygenation, water distribution and nutrient transfer. Their power use is among the highest cost of operation.
One of the easiest ways to boost your pump’s performance is to be sure the pump’s size is appropriate to the application you are using it for. Divide the tank’s intended turnover rate by your pump’s capacity for determining the amount of gallon (or Liters) each hour you’ll need.
Reduce the speed of the pump if the flow rate is needed to reduce both power and duration. Danfoss offers variable speed drives that let you adjust the speed of your pump electrically. This allows you to control the system flow accurately while saving energy. The reduction in operational expenses is all about efficient energy consumption.
Sustainable Pumping Solutions for Fish Farms
Aquaculture is faced with many difficulties, including salmon lice and water quality problems as well as algal growth and the management of waste. To address the problems, aquaculture relies upon pumps that are extremely efficient sturdy, robust and suitable for flushing, disinfecting, degassing and for circulating water.
Danfoss has a wide range of pumps to fish farms that reduce energy consumption and improve the effectiveness of pumping. When you apply Danfoss’s pump speed control on an recirculation sytem, energy consumption can be reduced by as much as 50 percentage.
Fisheries are bustling places, where everything happens in the blink of an eye. When the lives of livestock depend on the continual circulation of water, it isn’t much time left. They need pumps that are simple to maintain and do not require oil lubrication. Air injection pumps are one solution.
Water Pump Maintenance
In Florida the cost of energy is at the bottom of the list for costs for operation. One method to cut down on the costs of these is by enhancing pumps used for aquaculture. Proper system size, installation and choice of pump can enhance both performance and reliability.
The pump must be constructed to operate at the highest efficiency (BEP). Operation beyond BEP can cause cavitation and decreases the service life of motors mechanical seals, and shaft bearings. It can lead to costly operational and maintenance expenses.
The elevation of the farm is important to consider, as it impacts water stability erosion risk and drainage. Also, it affects the water quality parameters (temperatures in the water, salinity levels and the pH of water, as well as levels of dissolved oxygen, and many others.) which are needed by specific fish species to flourish. If the pump is damaged, having an additional one at hand can reduce the time spent in the time it takes to repair.
Innovative Pump Technologies for Aquaculture
In aquaculture, high water quality is critical for long-term sustainability of fish production. Overcrowding and increased fish population can result in water quality issues stress, as well as illnesses.
Constant Flow Technology helps maintain the same flow rate in varying circumstances. They are particularly beneficial in RAS systems using filters for media. This helps to prevent obstructions from blocking the system as well as keep oxygen levels to their optimal levels.
DESMI offers a new range of low-pressure and high-flow pumps designed for RAS and flow-through systems on the ground. They’re easier to maintain and boast greater energy efficiency across a wider capacity range than large propeller pumps. They are paired with an aquaculture-specific drive, these pumps also have PLC programming menus for control that are tailored to the needs of this highly competitive market. The use of precise load measurement systems is important for aquaculture-related applications.